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What is Trade-In?
The Harvey Norman trade-in service is the quick and easy way of getting the new tech that you really want, with the tech that you have right now. Trade-in is available as an in-store service offered by our Lovetech team. Currently only mobile devices are accepted but keep an eye in store as tablet and wearable devices will also soon be available to trade.
How Does It Work?
Evaluation Process
For each category of product eligible for trade, there are specific checks that must be completed to determine the trade value of a device. Our Lovetech team are equipped to complete the evaluation process in a matter of minutes.
The evaluation works off a very simple credit model, so you know what to expect before you come to the store. The Max Credit is offered when all the relevant evaluation criteria are met. The Min Credit is offered when any number of the checks are not met. Enhanced Credit is the value that is offered based on the new device purchase.
Data Services
Don’t forget that our Lovetech team are on hand to help you make the switch from old to new. If you’re purchasing a new device and wish to pick up where you left off, our Lovetech team can offer a data transfer service so that you never miss a beat.
All devices must be fully wiped before trading but if your data is important to you, the Lovetech team can also fully erase your device after your data has been transferred. For more information on data services and fees, check out http://www.harveynorman.ie/lovetech, or speak to a member of our team today.

Terms & Conditions
Who’s Involved?
Harvey Norman facilitates a trade-in transaction between end-users and third-party trade-in vendors. In doing so, Harvey Norman reserve the right to pass traded devices to appointed third parties as required. Upon issuance of trade-in credit, ownership of the traded device is transferred from the end-user to the nominated third-party.
Trade-in credit values are determined by the condition of the traded device at the time of evaluation. Trade pricing is subject to a monthly change. Trade-in evaluations are not valid at a future date, all devices are subject to evaluation at the time of trade. The trade-in credit value consists of the residual value of the traded device, plus any top-up values that may be applicable based on any new device purchase. Upon acceptance of a trade-in evaluation, a credit value is issued as Harvey Norman credit.
Upon acceptance of a trade-in evaluation, a Harvey Norman trade credit is issued, for use in the trading store. Up to three Harvey Norman trade credits can be used on a single new transaction. The balance of any Harvey Norman trade credit not used in full on a new transaction, will be made available via a Harvey Norman gift card. Once issued, the Harvey Norman trade credit value cannot be amended or altered by Harvey Norman. The trade-in service is available for selected brands and models in the mobile, tablet and wearable categories. Harvey Norman reserve the right to refuse trade on devices that are not eligible e.g., blacklisted devices.
In instances where a refund may be required on new purchases, and in accordance with the Harvey Norman Returns Policy, refund/credit values will be issued in the same tender as the original purchase. Where a refund is chosen, any enhanced credit value included within the trade credit, is deducted from the final refund value. Where a Harvey Norman trade credit was used for the original purchase, any refund or credit will be issued as a Harvey Norman gift card. This does not affect your statutory rights.
Once a trade-in evaluation has been accepted and the terms & conditions signed, it is not possible to return a traded device to original end-user.
Personal Data
It is the responsibility of the end-user to ensure that no personal or identifiable information is stored on the traded device. Harvey Norman takes no responsibility for the loss or presence of personal data on the traded device. Data transfer and erasure facilities are available as chargeable Lovetech services in store.
Marketing Messages
Where trade pricing is mentioned in Harvey Norman marketing activity, the trade-in credit value that is shown is the maximum residual value available for a preceding device from the same, or similar family as the advertised device. This is displayed as an ‘up-to’ value and is no way a guarantee of trade credit. All devices are subject to in-store evaluation. Trade credit values shown will also include any enhanced credit values that may apply based on the purchase of the marketed device.

Additional Services
Below are some of the extra services that you may find useful. If you can’t find what you are looking for – feel free to get in touch and a member of our team will be happy assist.